Soo... What's My Calling?

I was having a hard time deciding what to write next. I have it now. What am I called to do? I've talked about how I am called, how we are all called. So, I want to talk about my own personal calling. As of now, this is what I feel driven to do with my life. I really want to be a long term missionary teacher. I love kids, I love teaching, and I loved being in the mission field. Right now I see myself on the islands, but God could easily change that. I've felt this calling for years. I went into college with this as my plan. Now, I've had many bumps down the road (obviously). There have been times that I lost sight of this dream. Times where I considered completely changing my plans. I let a lot of people influence my thought process and I was taking too many opinions into consideration. We have to remember that only one opinion matters. I had to remind myself of that. So, nope! I'm not going to change my course unless God makes it clear to me. I think that God gave me this passion for a reason. Serving as an student missionary helped me to realize how realistic it would be too. It's not something far fetched. I CAN DO IT. I'm studying to be a teacher and it all just makes sense. This is the reason that I decided to be an Elementary Education major. I chose this path so that I could be a missionary teacher. Man, seriously... don't forget your dreams! Yeah, sometimes God has different plans for us and He'll make that clear. BUT, many times God has placed those dreams in your life for a reason. He has placed those dreams as your calling. Listen for His guidance and try to determine what your calling is. So, missionary teacher. That's what I believe I'm called to do. Now patience and perseverance are key. If it were up to me, I would have just stayed in Pohnpei and continued serving. However, for the sake of the students (and God's timing), I had to be patient. I must finish my studies and then God will lead me in where He wants me to go. I realize this now, but I struggled with it a lot towards the end of my missions year. I wanted more than anything to stay another year at to teach my kids again. I kept going back and forth between staying in Pohnpei and returning to Southern. I finally realized that I needed some major God time to make this decision. So, I decided to fast from Social Media for a week and from food for one day. My amazing friend (island sister), Ivette, joined me to support me in the process. I spent a lot of time praying, reading my Bible, and just evaluating that day. Before the day was over, I had come to terms with what God wanted me to do. He wanted me to return to Southern. I read different texts in the Bible that opened my eyes like never before. I realized that I need to grow and mature some more. I need to focus more on my relationship with God first. I need to finish school so that I could actually be a better teacher. I realized that maybe I have a mission that I need to pursue back in the States before continuing as a teacher. So, that's what God has led me to do for now. Two more years at Southern and then we'll see what happens :) So, listen for God calling out to you. What is He leading you to do with your life? What is YOUR calling. Some people already know. Others are still discovering. Just remember that patience is key and that you have to keep heart. There will be ups and downs throughout your journey. We all know that. For a while, I gave up on my dreams and ministry. However, God is good at reminding us of those things. Listen for Him. AND, if you are having a hard time listening, try fasting. I had never tried fasting before and it actually brought me so much clarity. It does work. Try it if you are confused or have big decisions to make. It will bring you a lot of peace. ANYWAYS, let's all follow our calling. Live your best life and let God lead.
