Change. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of change is "to make radically different or transform." I really like how it says to transform. When I came back from SMing, I wanted to radically transform my life. I wanted and needed C.H.A.N.G.E. Here is what that means to me: C - Clarity H - Healing A - Authenticity N - Nourishment G - Growth E - Empowerment I'm going to dig a little bit deeper and describe exactly what each word means to me. Clarity Through change you find clarity about what really matters in your life. Your priorities become clear. You remind yourself or learn what is the most important to you. I've received a lot of clarity lately about stuff that I need or don't need in my life. To have clarity is to have transparency in your life. To understand what your life is about. Change in the right direction can help you to find clarity with God. I've been able to understand a lot more of God's plan for me through change. Good change, that is.

Healing Change can also bring healing. A lot of people seeking change are also in need of healing. Maybe they've made mistakes or just gotten out of unhealthy situations. They are wanting to get out of those situations. They want to be healed. Now, something that I've had to remind myself, is that we can't bring the change and healing ourselves. God helps with the whole healing process. You just have to cooperate and give it all over to Him. Authenticity This has to be in your life to find and pursue change. You have to be authentic (or genuine) to actually incorporate it into your life. If you're not being genuine, the change won't actually stick. Lacking that means that you are lacking commitment to the changes being made. It's good to be authentic in everything in life. However, it is even more crucial in regards to CHANGING YOUR LIFE! Nourishment I really like this one and the definition of nourishment fits perfectly. If you search the word nourishment on google, this is the first definition that comes up, "the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition." Nourishment is the "food" necessary to grow. Hmm... what could our "food" be? I've learned that my nourishment is spending time with God. I've been praying more, doing morning devotions, reading my Bible, reading Christian books, and joining Bible studies. The little steps of finding our nourishment can make big changes in our lives. This "food" has given me energy and makes it easier to pursue change. It's like a natural step in the whole process. SO, find your nourishment. Growth Growth is a natural process when it comes to change. I mean, this is if you are actually allowing change in your life. If you aren't committed to the cause, you aren't going to grow. However, if you are truly trying to change and working for it, people will notice the growth. I'm obviously no perfect human, but I'd say I'm pretty committed to changing right now. I've noticed many areas of growth in my life so far. It all kind of falls in place naturally. However, you have to follow all the other steps of change in order to reach growth. In the end, God's the one who is truly going to help you grow. He's the one helping you through all of the change. You just need to cooperate with Him. Empowerment Some people might question why I've included empowerment. There is one main reason that I think empowerment is fitting. When we change and seek change, it can be empowering. We can feel unstoppable and so encouraged. If you think about it, seeing good results in any situation can be empowering. Especially when it's a lifestyle change we've been fighting for. I've felt so empowered through my experience of trying to change. I've seen so many good results and it feels incredible. It gives you confidence to see that your efforts are actually making a difference. Keep that confidence and strength! It gives you more positivity and helps you stick to your new lifestyle or the change in your life. I've experience all of these things through the change I'm seeking. However, I'm not the one who brought all of these results. I've been reading a book lately that talks about change and a fresh start. Funny enough, the name of it is Fresh Start. This is the biggest lesson I've learned from the author. God is the one who has the power. He is the one that will make the change in our lives. However, we have to cooperate. If we aren't cooperating with Him and actually trying, the change can't and won't happen. So, make sure you are going about change in the right way. I'm still learning and have made many mistakes in the process. BUT, I am committed and won't give up on seeking after God.
