The Blessings Come Down


I don't even know where to begin. First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to read my blog. I am beyond excited to share about my missionary experience with you. I am no professional writer, but I already have so many stories that I'd like to share. I do have to apologize for just getting to my blog now. I am already half-way done with my SM year. I will try and post a couple more updates pretty soon! 

Well, these past few months have been both the best and most challenging months of my life. I am currently serving as the 1st Grade teacher at Pohnpei SDA School. Having this position has been such an amazing opportunity. I'd like to start by sharing a bit about what teaching has been like. 

Now, when I first arrived in Pohnpei, I expected to have around 18 - 20 students in my class. I was ready. I set up my classroom and prepared for my students to come. Of course, as registration continued, my class continued to grow. I had 25 students enrolled the day before school started.  However, I had the wonderful surprise of gaining 3 more students on our first day of class. So, I made it to 28 students. I'll admit, I was very nervous to have that many students under my supervision. It also felt like a lot of kids to fit in my small classroom. However, God has blessed me so much through getting to know each of these precious kids. Let me tell you, He wasn't done sending me blessings.  I gained 3 more students in October. We were up to 31 students in 1st Grade. They made it so much fun! Now, there have been many changes and some students have moved away. I'm currently back down to 28 students. It has been such an adventure and I've loved getting to know every single one of my kids.

Diving into teaching has been quite the experience. I've had some very challenging days. It is definitely hard to try and keep such a large group of 5-7 year olds on task. We've had many tears, time-outs, toys taken away, etc. Even though we face these challenges, our classroom is still filled with love. Each day, I get to look forward to receiving numerous hugs, drawings, and "I love you"s from my students. Their kindness and generosity always amazes me. I've not only enjoyed teaching my kids, but getting to know them as individuals. Goodness, I have so many different personalities in my classroom. I wish everyone had a glimpse of how amazing and unique they really are. I have so many leaders. It has been such a blessing to see them grow and mature throughout this school year. I know that God is going to use them for some amazing things. 

I'm so thankful for this opportunity. God knew that I needed these kids in my life. They've taught me to be more patient, understanding, and loving. I've seen myself growing just as much as they have this year. That has been such a blessing in my life. God has taught me to become more involved and has helped me to be more comfortable doing so. He is so incredible. I am very excited to see what the rest of the year holds. 

1st Grade Classroom
